5 Ways to Stop Making Decisions Out of Fear

Do you ever feel like you make decisions out of fear? Are you often worried you’ll make the wrong decision? Does fear keep you from making decisions in general? Fear is a natural feeling, but basing your choices on fear can lead to confusion and less life satisfaction. Fear can hold you back from pursuing your goals and living out your dreams. Read on for more info about fear-based decisions and ways to stop making decisions out of fear.

Signs you’re making fear-based decisions

How do you know if you’re making fear-based decisions? When you’re trying to make a decision, your symptoms could include anxiety, muscle tension, sweating, and depending on others to help you make decisions. Another side effect might include missing out on various opportunities. This could include opportunities for new relationships, travel, a promotion at work, or financial opportunities. Feeling powerless or feeling out of control can lead to fear-based decision-making. When significant others or money are involved, this could increase the chances as well.

How to stop making decisions out of fear

There are a few ways to deal with fear when trying to make decisions. Remember that fear is a natural feeling and may even stem from a specific incident in your past. However, there are ways to manage fear and worry.

  1. Face your fears. Identify what your fear is and name it. Many times, what you’re afraid of is scarier than what could actually happen. You might be afraid if you ask your boss for a promotion, she’ll fire you instead and you’ll end up homeless. Is this actually a possibility? Name your fear–is it fear of embarrassment, loss, change, pain, failure? Take time and consider the worst-case scenario, THAN consider the best-case scenario. What could go right? What if you succeed? Imagine what that would look and feel like. Identify your fears and then identify your hopes. This will empower you to make decisions more in line with your goals instead of simply trying to avoid what you are afraid of.

  2. Know your why. Do you know what you really want? Work to identify your goals and values. Then, when you are faced with making decisions, you can determine what decision would move you closer to meeting your goals and align with your values. Additionally, take some time to research whatever information you need to best make a decision. Getting more information can help increase your confidence that whatever you decide to do will work in favor of meeting your goals.

  3. Mindfulness. Sometimes, fear can be felt in the body before we are aware of it consciously. When working to make decisions, check in with your body. Is your heart rate elevated? Are you sweating a little bit? Is your breathing shallow? These could all be signs of feeling fear. If you check in with your body and notice some fear symptoms, do some calming or grounding exercises. This could be a mindfulness practice you enjoy like meditation or yoga. You can also try deep breathing exercises like belly breathing or 4-7-8 breathing. Grounding exercises might include 5-4-3-2-1 or prayer. Practice whatever helps you feel safe and centered before making a decision.

  4. Focus on growth. Trust that whatever decision you make will lead to growth and help you develop even better decision-making skills. Remember that failure and mistakes are necessary for growth. Make a commitment to learning from whatever consequences result from your decision. Trust yourself that you made the best decision possible at the time. You can learn from others around you by thinking “what would so-and-so do in this situation?” Embrace a positive mindset to overcome challenges and build resiliency rather than feeding fear.

  5. Collective mindset. Lastly, consider altruism when faced with making decisions. Thinking about the needs of others may help you face your fears. Helping others can give us courage when we feel afraid. If you’re feeling stuck and fearful when faced with a decision, ask yourself who else is being helped or harmed by this decision.

Are you looking for more support for yourself or your loved one? Please reach out to us. Our team of therapists is here to provide support and guidance. We look forward to connecting with you.

Izza Wei-Haas

A boutique design studio by Wei-Haasome LLC, specializing in thoughtful websites for small businesses, graphic design, and botanical goods.


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