Preparing To Be A Mother

You’re probably asking yourself, “can you really prepare to be a mother?” And while we can’t promise there’s a sure way, we can offer some tips to first-time mothers. There are lots of things about motherhood that can only be learned through first-hand experience, but a little bit of research and reading never hurts!

First and foremost, it is vital to prioritize your wellbeing. You must take care of yourself in order to properly take care of a baby.

Here are some tips on ways to incorporate self-care in your new routine as mother:

Find times for exercise

You can go for a walk while your baby naps in their stroller. You could ask a loved one to watch the baby while you attend a yoga class or other type of instructed workout. When your baby is old enough, you can bring them to a gym that offers daycare so you can get a workout in. Dedicating a certain amount of time each day or week for activity will help keep you busy and avoid going stir crazy.

Meal prep

Dinner time can be a stressful time of the day for any household, so having some prepped meals in the freezer could help alleviate some of that stress. Too tired to cook dinner? No problem! Heat up some of that frozen fried rice in your freezer and call it a day. You can still make meals packed with nutrition and nourishment. Check out this link to find some nutritious meals.

Establish dual care with your partner

If you have a partner co-parenting your baby with you, make sure to establish clear boundaries. A lot of the care during the newborn era falls onto the mother, so making a list of where you need extra help will be a huge relief. Ask them to do the laundry, cook meals or clean up the house when you need them too. You don’t need to bear all the responsibilities of a household and raise a little one.

Get out of the house when possible

It can be very easy to feel a little stir crazy when you’re a recent mother. Your entire schedule and life change so much that it can be hard to prioritize getting out of the house. Determine the amount of time you need away each week and plan it. You can ask a loved one, like a grandparent, sibling, or partner to watch your baby while you get a manicure, go see a movie or anything your heart desires.

Find your safe space

Do you have a reading nook or quiet space in your house? Claim it as your own! If you’re unable to get out of the house during the week, it will be a huge help to have a space in the home that is only yours. While your partner or loved one watches the baby, or during nap time, you can escape to this space and do whatever you need to feel like it’s your sanctuary.

Sleep / rest when the baby sleeps

This one is a bit of a cliché, but it’s true! Your baby will sleep every couple of hours, and since your sleep schedule will be out of whack as well, it’s important to rest anytime you can. Even if it’s just closing your eyes or reading for an hour, it will help keep you awake during the remainder of the day.

Control your visitor’s schedule

It’s important to set boundaries with visitors. You can determine what time of the day works best for you and how often you want people in your home. Even if the conversations with loved ones are uncomfortable, they are so important. They will understand your need for parameters on when you invite others into your home. If it works better for you to go on a walk with a family member or friend, then make those your visiting hours.

Eat at least one nourishing meal during the day

Along with your sleep schedule, your eating schedule will likely falter. Try to eat at least one nourishing meal throughout the day. It will be even more satisfying if you can sit down and enjoy the meal. You could try doing later dinners with your partner so you both can sit down together, enjoy a meal and have good conversation.

Stay hydrated

Invent in one of those 32 oz. water bottles and try to drink two of them each day! If you choose to breastfeed, it will be easy to incorporate more water into your schedule as you will always be thirsty during those feeding times.

Yes, you are responsible for caring for a baby, but the most successful way to do that is to also take care of yourself!

Whether you are expecting or are post-partum and feel you need support, please reach out to us. Our team of therapists is here to provide support and guidance. We look forward to connecting with you.

Izza Wei-Haas

A boutique design studio by Wei-Haasome LLC, specializing in thoughtful websites for small businesses, graphic design, and botanical goods.

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