The Sage House Therapy Team Learns to Make Candles!


The Importance of Team Building

At Sage House Therapy, we consider ourselves a family rather than just coworkers. We prioritize building strong relationships with each other, and to achieve this, we regularly schedule team-building activities. These activities are crucial for our team as they help us create a supportive and caring work environment, ensuring that we deliver excellent care for our clients. They also help reduce stress, build trust, and improve communication among team members.

Candle Making as Art Therapy

Candle-making is such a fantastic way to relax and de-stress through art therapy. The process can be so calming and meditative, helping you to focus on the present moment and reduce anxiety. Plus, picking out scents and colors for your candles is a fun and creative way to express yourself. And once you light your candles, the gentle glow and soothing scents create such a cozy and calming atmosphere, helping you feel relaxed and at ease. It's a holistic approach to stress reduction that's all about engaging your senses, getting creative, and feeling accomplished.

We recently had the pleasure of participating in a candle-making workshop at the Paddywax Candle Bar in Reston. It was a wonderful experience where we learned the art of crafting our own candles, allowing us to bond as a team while indulging in the creative process. We highly recommend this workshop to anyone seeking a fun and engaging activity to enjoy with friends, family, or coworkers.

Art Therapy as a Career

Are you interested in a career as an Art Therapist? We are currently seeking talented and compassionate Art Therapists to join our team. If you believe you would be a valuable addition to our family at Sage House Therapy, let's get in touch!

Learn more here: CAREERS


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